Live Class Happenings

You may or may not have noticed in the bountiness of my last newsletter that I’ll be offering some live classes here at the The First Unitarian Society of Ithaca coming up in a few weeks. This brief note is to share a little more about the classes and why I’m doing them. 

My favorite thing, out of all the things I do is to teach live classes. Especially if they are 2-3 hours long. So I thought to myself, “Self, why not teach a few classes locally?” and then I answered, “yes, why don’t I!” 

The added bonus is I wanted to update a couple videos for my online classes. 

So, here we go with the live classes.

The Medicine Making classes with cannabis I taught this summer were really fun and exciting and I love how in the videos that excitement (some might say chaos) comes across. 

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AAANNND since launching the online class, with all the questions, comments and Q & A sessions, I’ve learned some ways to better teach the material. I learned where people get stuck and how to help clarify the whole medicine making process. So, I’m reshooting the medicine making portion of the class to add to the full online course. This live class won’t be hands on like in the summer. I’ll be lecturing and demonstrating the process. It’s too hard to carry all that medicine making equipment for 30 people somewhere, especially in the winter. The class will be offered once on February 8th, 11:30-2:30. 

The Endocannabinoid System class, which I’ve already reshot twice and upgraded online, still needs to be tweaked a little. The research and writing of my book along with teaching it multiple times since the last video really helped me lay it out in a much clearer and streamlined way. So, yep, that’s in the line up of the upcoming classes. It will be on February 8th, 8:30-11:30 AM.

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The Materia Medica of Cannabis falls into the same reasoning for reshooting as the endocannabinoid class. Along with the fact that there’s been a ton more research (and I’ve read a bunch of it while researching the book). So, we will reshoot that class on February 15th, 8:30-11:30 AM.


The All Things Topical class is happening because I’ve been annoyed at the lack of information on basic physiology behind topical applications. While researching and writing the book these last two years, I’ve been collecting science journal articles on the topic and now the stack is about 8 inches high. I’ve recovered enough from the whole book writing thing to be able to tackle the task of learning the material. (Guess what I’ll be doing in the weeks leading up to the class? Yep, reading and learning!). The description of the class is a little vague because I’m not sure exactly what I’ll be covering. I do know it will be more in depth than anything I’ve seen out there and students will leave with a ton of information on how to make the best medicine and the physiology behind it. I’m teaching it twice so I can practice once before we record it for yes, an online class. And yes, I’ll see about getting it approved for CEU’s for LMT’s but can’t promise any yet. That class will be offered on February 15th, 12:30-3:30 and March 21, 8:30-11:30.

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The final class offered is the Grow! course on you guessed it, growing cannabis (High CBD cannabis, known as hemp, to keep it legal). I will be launching a “grow your own” class online in late March. This will be a step-by-step guide to growing your own flowers for medicine. I’ll be shooting videos during each phase of the growing season when it occurs (on my land, with my plants). The live class will be an overview of the whole process and all the steps to get folks started. This will be the last class of the winter series and will be on March 21st from 12:30-3:30.

One last thing about pricing.

If you are someone who really wants to come and learn, and is currently not in a place to pay the amount, please reach out to me. There’s room in all of Heartstone’s offerings for folks to learn regardless of ability to pay the full amount in dollars. There is room for trade and giveaways so please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Alright friends, thanks for playing,




I'm a researcher, educator, guest lecturer, and co-founder of Heartstone Center for Earth Essentials in Van Etten, NY.