Posts by Tammi

I'm a researcher, educator, guest lecturer, and co-founder of Heartstone Center for Earth Essentials in Van Etten, NY.
Transition Zones by Tammi Sweet

7 Health Topics & Their “Truthy” Friends

I want to start with a question… Which one of the following statements is true? Cannabis is a good remedy for acute pain. When living above the latitude of Atlanta, Georgia, we do not need to supplement our diets with Vitamin D. Food allergies can be outgrown. The answer is below. Dig deep and don’t…

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When food is not your medicine…and very well might be making you sick

I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t eat cheese. I’m born and raised in Vermont. Refusing to eat cheese willingly is not natural. Aaaaannnnndddd….. Intestinal cramps, diarrhea and malaise are not a fun way to start the day. Sitting here writing to you, I’m experiencing all of these things. I know better. This was preventable. Yet…

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“Pain, what is it good for?”…absolutely something

In this country 80 million people and their families suffer from chronic disabling pain syndrome. $50 billion dollars in lost wages. Over $8 billion per year in pain medications. In over 90% of the cases, there’s no structural impairment causing the pain. Over 90%. This post is about different kinds of pain, and I’ve written out…

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Cannabis, Not your Hippy Granny’s Weed + 4 Guidelines for using cannabis as medicine

This article is about what we’ve learned in the last 50 years endocannabinoid system, what we’ve learned, and some helpful guidelines for cannabis usually NOT in any of the resources I’ve found.

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My Problem With Anatomy & Physiology

Recently my niece sent me a clip of an anatomy class she was taking online and we both wanted to shove ice picks in our ears to make the monotony stop. No kidding. It left me wanting to write about it. I’m one-half of the Heartstone the Center for Earth Essentials teaching staff. I’m the…

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No You Don’t Need A Liver Cleanse! Not A Detox Program Either!

As I’ve been preparing my mini course on the Liver I’ve been thinking back to some of the questions that come up during my lectures. It is inevitable when I’m talking about any topic steering us back to health, which includes the liver, I get the question: “What about a liver cleanse?” I pause, take…

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Medicinal Recipe for the Times

If I had my wish you would read this with a cup of tea, with your feet up, under a tree feeling the wind caress your face. Or perhaps in the quiet of the morning as the sun slowly begins his wake up journey across your little patch of home. But, I’m not in charge…

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Blackbirds! Bluebirds! & Snowdrops Oh My!

Yesterday the first flock of Red-winged Black birds arrived here at Heartstone. These true harbingers of spring  show up like a noisy gang of teenagers arriving home after school looking for snacks. This morning the dawn chorus of songbirds shifted from quiet winter chirping to the “warming-up” spring phase of calling in a mate and…

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A little stress response video for the New Year

New Year’s resolutions got you feeling a little stressed? Well here’s a quick peak at the physiology of the stress response and why we do what we do! If you want the full video, sign up for my Online Anatomy & Physiology Video Course starting January 20th, 2016.

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Cold & Flu Video

Want all the background Anatomy & Physiology about the cold and flu? How our body defends itself? How the virus works? And of course, some wholistic interventions, including herbs that will help? This is the video for you. Enjoy our very first video production!!

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