Heartstone Blog
This morning I awoke to the sound of snow geese flying home (Yes, I sleep with the window open because what kind of yankee would I be if I didn’t?). The sight & sound of their flying made my sleepy self smile and my heart whisper “welcome home.” What an example of communal life at…
Read MorePlease enjoy this heart-filled talk. ❤️
Read MoreIs it me, or does the pressure seem to be increasing? Lately it feels like individually and collectively we are in some sort of pressure cooker. The good news is the time is ripe for change & healing. Maybe that’s the way life has been all along and I just didn’t notice the abundance of…
Read MoreThe growing season is fast approaching and all us gardeners and growers are jumping out of our skins itching to get our hands in the soil. It’s too cold here in upstate NY to really get out there, so until then we’ll have to dream and plan and fantasize about our gardens in our hearts…
Read MoreIngredients For Half Gallon Brown grocery bag full of full Elderflower umbels 8 cups white sugar 1 lemon Small handful of Lemon Balm
Read MoreYay! Spring is here! Do you want to introduce a little wildness into your life? Want to boost your vitality? Put a “spring” in your step? Sure you do. Here’s one easy way, PESTO. We’re going to make “yard pesto.” It’s not hard. All the cool kids are doing it. Gather your basket or large…
Read MoreGummies are everywhere! They’re cool! They’re fun, they’re trendy and are easy to take. Then there’s the taste. They taste way better than tincture. They even have Fruity Flavors!!! And Omg do not click on any advertisements on the socials because gummy ads will inundate your feed! I’m here to talk in my snarky & informative…
Read MoreI knew I wanted to try and offer a little nourishment for your hearts as the wheel of the year turns towards fall. I also knew I needed to fill up a little myself before I had anything to offer. Who knew they would end up being one and the same? Happy Equinox dear ones.…
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