Upcoming Events


Materia Medica for Cannabis

Our class will begin with the not well-known or publicized internal Endogenous Cannabinoid System, its physiology, functions and why its proper functioning is crucial to health and underlies many diseases. We will then move into discussing the Materia medica of the Cannabis plant; starting with a little history and botany of the plant. Growing considerations…

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Live Free Webinar – Transition Zones : 7 Core Topics For Health And Wellness

Join Tammi Sweet MS, LMT for this live FREE WEBINAR on understanding physiology & holistic interactions of the core topics included in Transition Zones: Pain, inflammation, food intolerances… (more)

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The Endocannabinoid System

How and Why Cannabis works…. Our Endogenous Cannabinoid System

As herbalists we all know when giving a weed walk in a new place, the richest areas are the transitions zones, the margins, the edges. In this light, we will examine a much maligned, misunderstood and misrepresented plant we have pushed to the margins, Cannabis.

It is time for us, the herbalists, to reclaim the proper uses of this medicine in our material medica.

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Free Lecture at FLSM: Medicine for the Times

Feeling frazzled? Afraid? Out of sorts? Confused? Join Tammi Sweet of Heartstone Center for Earth Essentials as she discusses the physiology of the reptilian, old mammalian and “higher” brains within us based on thirty years of scientific studies and research.   You can expect to leave the lecture with an understanding of the evolutionary benefits and drawbacks…

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Gut Inflammation & Food Intolerance

Since inflammation is the only way to heal any injury in the body, what happens when the food we are eating is causing injury to our gut wall?

We persist in a state of chronic inflammation that does not stay localized to the intestinal lining. We will examine the etiology of food intolerance and how it leads to leaky gut, chronic inflammation and many other chronic diseases.

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Advanced Physiology of Skin

One of the most common ailments for everyone is some sort of skin condition.

Rashes, cuts, bruises, infection, and allergic reactions are all a response of our largest organ, our skin, to some trauma.

In this class we will examine the anatomy & physiology of the skin itself, the ways it is injured and of course, the way it heals itself. Since the skin is a major interface for the herbal world, we will discuss the herbs that help heal the skin and how they do it.

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Asthma, Allergies and Respiratory Health

Let’s face it, there’s more allergy and asthma now then there’s ever been.

Why is our Immune system overreacting? What are ways to help quiet the system’s need to defend against everything?

We will take the time to discuss enough of the Immune system to understand the physiology of asthma and allergies and a few others. We will also spend time discussing herbal and lifestyle interventions that help.

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Heart Coherence, Relaxation & Health                                                                                                         

Finally, western science is beginning to understand the greater workings of the heart as an organ of perception and as a central intelligence of the body.

We will explore the latest physiological evidence of the heart’s leadership edge in health and well being as the conductor of coherence within the body and a myriad of other jobs you may have had no idea about.

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The Neck: A Deep Tissue Workshop for LMT’s

This workshop will explore the amazing and complex realm of the neck.  We will cover the bones of the vertebrae, skull, clavicle, scapula, sternum and mandible, & the attaching structures of muscles and fascia. Deep tissue strokes will be introduced and practiced on the extensors, flexors and muscles surrounding the jaw. Finally, we will practice body…

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Lotions & Potions: Making Herbal Creams and Salves

An informative and fun-filled afternoon learning about medicinal plants & oils for topical use. Making an herbal oil, cream, salve & lip gloss with recipes to make more! You will learn some favorite medicinal herbs & oils, how to wildcraft plants, 2 oil infusion methods, how to make salves, creams & lip gloss from infused…

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