Tammi Sweet's Guide to All Things Cannabis

Sourcing Flowers, Making Medicine, Whole Person Healing


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Tammi Sweet's Guide to All Things Cannabis

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    In-Depth Study and Group Programs

    Medicine Making With Cannabis is our newest online program empowering you to make your own high quality medicine with cannabis. Learn to source materials, methods of extraction, medicine making, and how to test potency in this dynamic online course.

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    Have you been wanting to understand the uses of this plant? Have you heard it can cure almost everything (it IS helpful in many situations and it can’t cure everything.)?

    What’s the deal with CBD oil?

    The class will begin with the not well-known or publicized Endocannabinoid System. The plant works because we make our own, endogenous chemicals. These chemicals within us and the receptors that they bind allow the magic of this plant to work within us.

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    Most people think growing "the plant" is something that is done by experts at a farming scale. It's not. Gardeners, herbalists, medicine makers, and even beginners can now grow themselves – and I'm here to show you how fun it can be.

    This program will help you successfully grow up to 10 plants (seed and variety information below) from seed to harvest. You'll have lessons, live meetings, and a private social community through the entire life cycle of the plant.

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