Weeds Gone Wild

Yay! Spring is here! Do you want to introduce a little wildness into your life? Want to boost your vitality? Put a “spring” in your step? Sure you do. Here’s one easy way, PESTO. We’re going to make “yard pesto.” It’s not hard. All the cool kids are doing it. Gather your basket or large…

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The Wild World of Cannabis Gummies

Gummies are everywhere! They’re cool! They’re fun, they’re trendy and are easy to take. Then there’s the taste. They taste way better than tincture. They even have Fruity Flavors!!! And Omg do not click on any advertisements on the socials because gummy ads will inundate your feed! I’m here to talk in my snarky & informative…

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Guide to All Things Topical

?? Welcome friends! This is an introductory guide to topical medicine – created alongside a webinar of the same name. My goal with this guide is to show you what’s possible when we look at the whole picture of health through the lens of topical medicine. The biggest question of topical medicine is… Will this…

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Let’s Get Topical

Let’s face it, our largest organ, the skin, receives a lot of negative attention (too saggy, too many wrinkles, and omg, age spots), is constantly abused by us and is also the major interfacer with the external world. It deserves respect. It deserves some understanding regarding the brilliant way it both protects us from the…

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If Covid Is A God, What Is It Teaching Us?

Here we are at the year anniversary with the Coronavirus. What have we learned in this year of rapid paradigm shifting? If this virus were a god (or alien), what would this god be teaching us? What would we be learning about ourselves from this being? Here are some answers I came up with. 1.…

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Anxiety & Cannabis

https://heart-stone.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Anxiety-Cannabis.mp4 Here’s a fun and information packed webinar on Anxiety, what it’s designed for, when it’s gone awry and how to work with it. Including the plant medicine of cannabis.

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How to Know If growing Cannabis is for me?

Many people have been curious about growing cannabis and usually come up against two major concerns.  The first is legal issues; am I “allowed” to grow this plant, and if I do, will I go to jail?  The second is the false belief that growing cannabis is just too complicated.  This post is here to…

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A Delicate & Delicious Hug From Rose

Seasonal celebrations are upon us. Happy Imbolc! Imbolc is the Celtic celebration of the hope of Spring. St. Valentine’s Day, a celebration of the heart is quickly approaching us. I thought I’d take a moment here, at the start of the season of hope, to share a favorite recipe of our Heartsease Rose Elixir. A…

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